Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 57 , 58 & 59

Day 57 found Zac in the wilderness of Wyoming in the mid-afternoon, 40 miles from any civilization for food or water. Zac has a water filter pump for cleansing water and was eating any food reserves he had in his backpacks when we talked to him. He had blown a tire but was able to repair it sufficiently to continue on but with some alignment problems. He is anticipating having his Memphis Bike Connections in sending him the appropriate replacements. His friends have been a great support group throughout this entire ride and Zac could not have continued on without them. Zac has also been getting your messages of support every few days but does not have the ability to reply. He wanted to know that he is getting them..
Day 58 & 59 - Have not heard from Zac. We are getting alittle anxious but also know that he is in area where there is limited phone service and a limited ability to charge his phone. We were hoping to find him a great place in Yellowstone National Park to spend July 4th but cannot be sure where he will be. I was surprised to see that there were still a few vacancies in Yellowsone National Park for the holidays! Will gladly hear from him at any time and stay calm till then.
Wishing everyone a Happy 4th week of celebration. There is so much to be thankful for in this great country of ours. Zac is getting to see it first hand.

*written by his mom who is trying to be stay cool in SC!*

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